Pastor Bernadine Miller


Pastor Bernadine is a devoted servant of Christ whose journey with God began in her teenage years and flourished into a lifelong commitment to ministry. With a heart ablaze for the Lord, she answered the call of God in her life, embracing her role, and has been preaching God’s Word since 2003. 

Her passion for serving God is evident in her dedication to the church, where she proudly serves under the leadership of Apostle Felix Adade as an associate Pastor. Inspired by Romans 13:12 (KJV), “The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off, the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light,” she lives out the message of redemption and salvation, urging others to walk in the light of Christ. 

Pastor Bernadine is not only a woman of faith but also a loving mother to three beautiful daughters and a doting grandmother to one lovely granddaughter. Her family is a testament to God's blessings and grace in her life, providing her with joy and fulfillment beyond measure. 

Education has been a cornerstone of her spiritual journey, as she pursued academic excellence to equip herself for ministry. She attended Beulah Heights Bible College (now University), where she earned a Bachelor's in Leadership, with a minor in Religious Studies and later a Master’s in Leadership. Building upon this foundation, she furthered her education at Southwestern Christian University, obtaining a Master's in Intercultural Studies. Pastor Bernadine also dedicates her time and talents to shaping young minds as a public school teacher. 

Her commitment to education mirrors her passion for empowering others to fulfill their God-given potential and make a difference in the world. In all aspects of her life, Pastor Bernadine exemplifies unwavering faith, dedication to service, and a heart overflowing with love for God and His people. Her journey is a testament to the transformative power of God's grace and the joy of walking in obedience to His calling.